
  • Event Categories

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 27
  4. 28
  5. 29
  6. 1

    US Class Meetings

    9th Grade: Choir Room
    10th Grade: MPR
    11th Grade: Main Hall - South
    12th Grade: Main Hall - North

    Faculty/Staff Show

  7. 2

    CS: Food Bank of Contra Costa County

    California has one of the largest economies in the world and yet, in spite of our amazing agricultural abundance, 1 in 11 people–and 1 in 8 children–are facing hunger. The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano provides 3,500,000 meals each month. Students will be will be working at the food bank’s Concord warehouse to sort donated food or bag produce.

    Please plan to be available from 7:45am to 11am. Transportation will be offered from campus and a BART station.

    9th Graders can sign up in the TrackItFoward accounts. 

    CS: St. Anthony's Foundation

    In solidarity with all who hunger and thirst for justice and peace, St. Anthony’s mission is to feed, heal, shelter, clothe, lift the spirit of those in need, and create a society in which all persons flourish. Athenian students will either work alongside other volunteers serving 2,700 hot lunches at St. Anthony’s Dining Room or will be working in their clothing program. The students working in the clothing program will stand in line and eat lunch in the dining room in community with program recipients.

    Please plan to be available from 8:15am to 2:30pm. Transportation will be provided from campus and a BART station.

    10th Graders can sign up in their TrackItForward accounts. 
  1. 3

    Orchard Work Party

    The event is open to students and families. Please wear sun protection and boots or sturdy close-toed shoes. We have a supply of tools & gloves. RSVP here after February 12th.
  2. 5

    Head's Happy Hour

    Join Head of School Eric Niles for a casual evening with Oakland-area families. Drinks, light bites, and great conversation will be served in the Utica Room at Drake's Dealership. Please RSVP here
  3. 6
  4. 7
  1. 13

    AWE Death Valley

    10th Grade College Information NIght

    The college counseling office will host a virtual information meeting with 10th grade parents to discuss current trends and the upcoming college process.

    Registration is required:
  2. 14

    AWE Death Valley

    APA Book Club

    Join us in reading acclaimed novelist James McBride’s Heaven & Earth Grocery Store. RSVP here. Email to be added to our list and to stay informed about our meetings and book selections.

  1. 24

    AWE Death Valley


    Catholic/Protestant Christian


    Hindu - begins at sunset
  1. 31

    AWE Death Valley


    Catholic/Protestant Christian


    National Holiday
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